Sponsored by Robert Russell Memorial Foundation and Jack Chester Foundation - The Robert Russell Memorial Foundation was created by Bob Russell, a long-time Miami leader. It was activated at the time of his death in December, 1983. It funds programs for youth in Miami and supports many programs benefiting the Jewish communities in Miami, the United States, and in Israel. Jack Chester established the Jack Chester Foundation as a trust, which became active upon his passing. The foundation began its operations in 2001, following Jack’s death. From 2001 to 2019, the foundation has awarded grants totaling around $10 million to nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) status.
This collection of resources and Ideas with IMPACT projects on Holocaust Education is provided to ensure that the important lessons of the Holocaust are not forgotten and will be passed on from generation to generation.
Teaching Trunks on the Holocaust sponsored by the Jack Chester Foundation
The Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg, contracted by the Florida Department of Education, invites you to use their dynamic literature-based lessons about the Holocaust, genocide, and character education. These large teaching trunks are designed to accommodate the needs of one class or a team of teachers from first grade to high school. The selected materials align with state standards and are grade appropriate. Loan periods for the trunks are for one month to six weeks and are available free of charge with free shipping to public schools throughout the state.
The curricula focus on integration of subject areas, cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, and an emphasis on reading and writing skills. Themes include:
- Different and the Same for first and second grade;
- Creating Community for third and fourth grade;
- Beginning Holocaust Studies for fifth grade;
- Investigating Human Behavior for middle school;
- Historical Perspectives of the Holocaust for high school.
Further study is available through specialized trunks:
- Arts Trunk for elementary students (investigates messages through images, music, and performance)
- Human Rights and Genocide Trunk for middle and senior high students (explores human behavior and history)
To Reserve a Trunk Free of Charge
Contact The Florida Holocaust Museum directly to reserve a trunk to use at your school or classroom for up to six weeks, email: trunks@flholocaustmuseum.org or look for Teaching Trunks information in the Education section of The Florida Holocaust Museum website at www.flholocaustmuseum.org
How to Implement Ideas with IMPACT Projects on the Holocaust
- View/print the Idea Packets (guides that include lesson plans, worksheets, and resource lists) of the Holocaust projects by clicking on the project titles below.
- Contact the Author/Disseminator of the project for advice on implementing the idea.
- Apply for an Adapter Grant (up to $400) for any of the Holocaust projects featured in the Ideas with IMPACT catalogs or see our online library of Curriculum Packets on Holocaust Education.
Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff
M-DCPS Education Specialist/Holocaust Education
Director, Holocaust Studies Summer Institute/University of Miami
Education Director, The Holocaust Memorial
1500 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL 33132 | 305-995-1201 | mkassenoff@dadeschools.net
Dr. Kassenoff provides information and workshops on Holocaust Education. She co-authored with Dr. Anita Meinbach: Memories of the Night: A Guide to the Holocaust and Studying the Holocaust Through Film and Literature
Holocaust Memorial - Miami Beach
1933-1945 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139 | 305-538-1663 | www.holocaustmmb.org
A powerful environmental sculpture with a series of outdoor spaces designed to lead the visitor through a procession of visual, historical, and emotional experiences. It provides cultural and educational programs for the community including field trips for students.
Holocaust Documentation & Education Center (Museum addition to open soon.)
2031 Harrison Street, Hollywood, FL, 33020 | 954-929-5690 | www.hdec.org
The Center has been lauded by the Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach school boards for its outstanding educational outreach programs. It provides an extensive listing of Holocaust resources and the following for educators:
- State of Florida Resource Manual on Holocaust Education
- Teachers' Institute on Holocaust Studies
- Student Awareness Days
- Speakers Bureau
- Writing and Visual Arts Contest (middle, high school)
USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education
213-740-6001 | www.usc.edu/schools/college/vhi
- An archive of 10,000+ online visual history testimonies of holocaust survivors.
- Echoes & Reflections: A multi-media curriculum for high school students is available at www.echoesandreflections.org
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC, 20024-2126 | 202-488-0400 | www.ushmm.org
Includes information about: background history and statistics, conferences for educators, guidelines for teaching about the Holocaust, historical summaries, listings of Holocaust resource centers nationwide, and a searchable database of the research institute's archives and library.
Jewish Museum of Florida - FIU
301 Washington Avenue, South Miami Beach, FL 33139 | 305-672-5044 | www.jewishmuseum.com
The Jewish Museum of Florida is a valuable resource for the study of Jewish identity and culture.
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